Well sorry it has been a little while, everything has been a little hectic round here, but I wanted to check in and give you a little insight to the start of our journey.
As I think I previously said, I have been told I have to lose a rather large amount of weight before I can have the IVF and the doctor wants me to show a significant loss before my next appointment.
Now I have no idea what counts as a significant loss but so far I am down 10lbs and still losing so will just have to see what he thinks at my next appointment.
The start of our journey includes two months of chlomid to see if producing more eggs can help me get pregnant naturally.
It didn't happen last month and I recently finished this months cycle of tablets, so not it is a waiting game to see if my period appears next time.
Ovulation Kits
Ebay has been my saviour, I buy all y pregnancy tests from there as I begrudge paying ridiculous amounts of money for digital ones when a simple test strip can be used and cost about £2 for 5 of them
I also picked up 30 ovulation test strips from there to try to help me judge when and if I am ovulating as I think I am all over the place at the moment.
I have started walking again to increase my fitness levels and to get me more positive and happy mentally, I want to get out running soon, but I need new kit before I can do it as my trainers are shockingly bad and kill my feet!
I hope other couples out there who are on this journey are doing ok, and I am sending out lots of positive thoughts to the trying to conceive couples of the world!